最近台灣頻頻上國際版面,除了之前太陽花學運,行政院血腥鎮暴以外,最近的反核佔領忠孝西路運動(NBC News)還有很扯的「預防性羈押」(BBC News)也躍上國際版面(馬英九的政績是不是除了啓迪民智外,還不斷讓台灣在國際能見度變高啊?),而 428 的台灣暴警水砲攻擊照則被加拿大國家媒體集團選為每日(4/28)世界最佳照片之一 ( April 28: Top images from around the world),當天有二十張精選照片,台灣的水砲鎮壓照就佔了三張,讓我們來看看是哪三張,然後閉上眼銘記下這一刻。
A police officer sprays a fire extinguisher over cooking oil covering the road outside Taipei Railway Station after anti-nuclear demonstrators were removed from the area in Taipei on April 28, 2014. Taiwan police used water cannon to dislodge hundreds of overnight sit-in demonstrators, demanding the scrapping of a nearly completed nuclear power plant, one of the most controversial issues to have gripped the island for 30 years. (Mandy Cheng/AFP/Getty Images)
Police remove a protester (C) from outside Taipei Railway Station during an anti-nuclear demonstration in Taipei on April 28, 2014. (Mandy Cheng/AFP/Getty Images)
Taiwan police fire water cannon at protesters squatting on the ground outside Taipei Railway Station during an anti-nuclear demonstration in Taipei on April 28, 2014. .(Mandy Cheng/AFP/Getty Images)